Featured Collections
Earth Range offers a comprehensive range of athleisure wear and includes everything from leggings, crop and full length sweatshirts and sports tops. Perfect for busy energetic lifestyles ,high intensity workouts or a long Plane ride.
[/ux_text] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″ span__md=”6″] [ux_banner height=”700px” bg=”364771″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)” link=”https://myfifthelement.co.za/product-category/fire-range/”] [text_box width=”77″ scale=”150″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″] [ux_text font_size__sm=”0.75″]FIRE RANGE
The fire range includes some deeply saturated colors and bold prints for all women who desire to express their individuality.Athletic wear for busy energetic lifestyles and high intensity workouts.
[/ux_text] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″ span__md=”6″] [ux_banner height=”700px” bg=”364778″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)” link=”https://myfifthelement.co.za/product-category/water-range/”] [text_box width=”77″ scale=”150″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″] [ux_text font_size__sm=”0.75″]WATER RANGE
Blending high-performance with style. The water range offers rigorously tested activewear (including surf, ski, paddle, kite and swim) offering optimal athletic performance and an exceptional fit.
[/ux_text] [/text_box] [/ux_banner] [/col] [col span=”3″ span__sm=”12″ span__md=”6″] [ux_banner height=”700px” bg=”364770″ bg_overlay=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)” link=”https://myfifthelement.co.za/product-category/air-range/”] [text_box width=”77″ scale=”150″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″] [ux_text font_size__sm=”0.75″]AIR RANGE
Air range inspired by movement, the Air collection offers fashionable and functional dance wear, feminine styles and comfort conscious designs.
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A gift for everyone – Not sure what to get. Give the gift that is always appreciated!
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R799.00Gift cards available
Not sure what to get. Surpise someone or yourself with a Gift Card. Perfect for any ocasssion and it never expires.